Workshop: Designing Innovative Classrooms in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


Participants will be able to
  • Describe a taxonomy for using technology in teaching science, engineering, and mathematics and describe characteristics of using technology in each category of the taxonomy

  • Describe desirable characteristics of classrooms and environments outside classrooms that promote the use of technology
  • Identify issues, strategies, and tradeoffs in the construction of new classroom environments
  • Explore applications of teaching in engineering education
Participant background requirement
  • Familiarity with some of the technologies that have been used for engineering education
  • Recognizing innovative classrooms

  • Classroom designs (for technology, for teaming/active learning, for multiple purposes)
  • Applications of technology
  • Introductions
  • Learning and teaching
  • Classification of classroom technology
  • Guided discussion on applications of technology
  • Guided discussion on classroom design

Workshop leaders

Jeffrey Froyd is a Visiting Professor of Electrical Engineering at Texas A&M University and serves as the Project Director, NSF Foundation Coalition. His interests include control systems design, VLSI design, and engineering education.

David Cordes is Department Head of Computer Science at the University of Alabama. He has been active with the Foundation Coalition since 1994 and served on the FC National Management Team for five years. His other research interests include component-based software engineering and software systems.

Need help?

Foundation Coalition workshops can be presented on your campus. You can customize the content of the workshop by collaborating with workshop facilitators. In addition, the length of each workshop can be customized to your needs by adjusting the degree of interactivity and participation. If you are interested in hosting one or more Foundation Coalition workshops on your campus, visit our Web site at or contact Jeffrey Froyd at or 979.845.7574.


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