Active/Collaborative Learning Student Teams Integrating Technology Effectively Women and Minorities Assessment and Evaluation EC2000 Emerging Technology Foundation Coalition Curricula Concept Inventories
What is the quality of the evaluations of team members of each other?
Won't they give everyone the same grade or over-rate their own performance?
Experience indicates that both of these outcomes occur frequently in the first or second cycle of assessment; however, faced with (often unanimous) contrary feedback from their teammates, most students come to a more consistent and reasonable assessment in subsequent cycles. Research also indicates that peer assessment data can be effectively used in assigning individual grades.[1,2]
One faculty member reported that the slacker students almost always report themselves as the weakest on the team&the difference is whether they contributed 95% (their report) or 50%75% (the range assigned by their teammates).


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References for further information

  1. Kaufman, D.B., Felder, R.M., and Fuller, H. (2000), "Accounting for Individual Effort in Cooperative Learning Teams," J. Engineering Education, 89(2), 133140.
  2. Van Duzer, E., and McMartin, F. (1999), "Building Better Teamwork Assessments:  A Process for Improving the Validity and Sensitivity of Self/Peer Ratings," Proceedings, ASEE Conference.
  3. Brown, R.W. (1995), "Autorating:  Getting Individual Marks from Team Marks and Enhancing Teamwork," Proceedings, FIE Conference.


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