Sunday, 22 June 2003
Part I: 8:30 a.m.—12:00 noon
Part II: 2:30–6:00 p.m.
This series of workshops will be conducted by the Foundation and SUCCEED engineering education coalitions. Its objective is to share with faculty possible pictures of engineering classrooms and teaching as they might evolve during the next 5 to 10 years based on the best practices in teaching and classroom design that have emerged from work by the engineering education coalitions and others. Each workshop in the series will be will be presented in an interactive manner with emphasis on providing techniques and ideas that faculty can take away and use. Workshop topics include active/cooperative learning, student teams in engineering, mentoring, skills for EC 200x, and innovative classroom designs. Specific topics are subject to availability of presenters. For more information see
Workshop Fee
The $25.00 workshop fee will be paid by the participating engineering education coalitions.