17 May 2004 Ohio State University
1:30–4:30 p.m.
The Blackwell
Presenters: Jeff Froyd (Texas A&M University) and Andrew Heckler (Ohio State University)
Science and engineering faculty members understand that learners must construct deep conceptual understanding in order to explain phenomena, solve problems, and design solutions. Likewise, conceptual understanding, misconceptions, and conceptual change have been subjects of intense study in cognitive science and education. One type of assessment instrument, a concept inventory, has proven to be an important step in helping learners and teachers to understand the nature and resilience of misconceptions, as well as in illustrating the types of instruction that might be effective in repairing misconceptions. Seminar participants will explore the nature of conceptual understanding and misconceptions and the process of constructing a concept inventory using the experience of others who have constructed similar instruments. Current research results will be examined. Participants are also asked to bring samples of misconceptions they have encountered in working with students.