Case-study Based and IT-enabled Learning Resources for Education:
A Manufacturing Education Workshop

4–5 June 2004
North American Manufacturing Research Conference
University of North Carolina
Charlotte NC

Sponsored by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers and the Greenfield Coalition

This is the first focused workshop that addresses the creation and use of real-world manufacturing case studies in higher education. It is being held in conjunction with the 32d North American Manufacturing Research Conference at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The workshop will demonstrate how current manufacturing engineering research can be leveraged back into the classroom using Web-based information technology (IT)—enabled learning resources and modern approaches to adult education. Participants of the workshop will represent a new community of educators interested in sharing IT-enhanced learning materials created expressly for manufacturing engineering education. A key impetus for this event was a recently published National Academy of Engineering report that concluded that many opportunities for improving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education with IT have fallen short because too often such materials represent islands of innovation rather than broad-based improvement. The Greenfield workshop addresses this challenge by

• Discussing best practices in the use of case studies and collaborative learning in today's classrooms

• Conducting a workshop on using Web-based information technologies to get real-world manufacturing data into courseware, and

• Demonstrating Greenfield Coalition and other IT-enhanced learning materials.

The workshop begins Friday, June 4, with a luncheon and concludes by noon on Saturday, June 5. The Greenfield Coalition, part of the community of NSF-sponsored Engineering Education Coalitions and focused entirely on manufacturing engineering, has developed a suite of sharable learning resources that embed

(1) modern approaches to adult learning,

(2) active and cooperative experiences, and

(3) real-world manufacturing examples.



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