Principles for Classroom and Curricular Innovation Workshop
  • Schedule
    1:305:00 p.m.
  • Facilitator
    , Texas A&M University
  • Description
    The workshop examines four fundamental foundations upon which the Foundation Coalition has built it engineering education renewal activities: a better understanding of learning theory, use of active and cooperative learning, the role of technology-enabled learning, and the integration of courses and curricula. The section on learning theory examines how our understanding of how people learn has changed during the past fifty years. The section on active/cooperative learning examines rationale for active/cooperative learning and explores the five guiding principles of cooperative learning:
  1. positive interdependence,
  2. individual accountability,
  3. growth in social skills,
  4. group processing, and
  5. face-to-face interaction.

The section on technology-enabled learning surveys applications of technology to engineering education across the country. Finally, the section on curriculum integration examines the rationale behind curriculum integration and provides concrete examples of curriculum integration within the engineering domain.


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