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The Foundation Coalition believes that there is strength in diversity and values all individuals. In an inclusive environment, individuals (and institutions) are recognized and appreciated for their differences in characteristics, styles, backgrounds, motivations, values, and aspirations. In addition, we believe that engineering education must be made more open to women and underrepresented ethnic minorities, since their contributions would strengthen the enterprise.

To better reflect this value, we must develop the ability to recruit, retain and graduate members of underrepresented groups in engineering and to develop an atmosphere of inclusiveness in the classroom. We believe that cooperative learning is one way to instill in our faculty and students an appreciation of diversity, since cooperative learning emphasizes that students must be involved as partners with faculty in seeking an enhanced learning environment, must accept responsibility for their learning, and must learn to work cooperatively with others of different backgrounds and ideologies to reach their goals.


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Last updated: October 24, 1998.


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