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An atmosphere of mutual respect, cooperation, and sharing will pervade the campus cultures and all interactions of the Foundation Coalition. We are envisioning a new culture of engineering education: students, faculty, and employers working in partnership to produce an enduring foundation for student development and life-long learning. This cooperative partnership places new demands on all of the principals: students take a more active role in their education; employers become more fully engaged in characterizing the skills and attributes required of the 21st century engineer; faculty redefine their relationship to the students and to each other across disciplines, and more directly address the building of student skills and attributes.

Since the integration of subject matter within the curriculum emphasizes that effective learning communities must span disciplinary and departmental boundaries, we believe this is a core competency related to partnering. We also believe that the ability to work and collaborate in a true team environment is necessary to establishing working partnerships: among faculty, students, industry, and institutions.

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Last updated: October 24, 1998.

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