Example: First-year Students at the University of Alabama Link Mathematics and Physics
Physics and mathematics faculty at the University of Alabama restructured the sequence of topics in their first-year physics and calculus courses. They viewed their system as containing both the mathematics and physics courses and reorganized material to reinforce connections such as the ones described below. For example, "Early in the first semester, the mathematics faculty introduced the symbolic algebra program Maple as an aid in plotting and understanding of functionstrigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, normal distribution, etc. This allowed the rapid introduction of the concept of the derivative and slope of curves in the mathematics course. The physics course created an immediate application for this material by introducing the one-dimensional kinematics of particles and rigid bodies."
References for further information
Frair, K., "An Integrated First Year Curriculum at the University of Alabama, Proceedings, 1994 Frontiers in Education Conference, ASEE/ IEEE, 1994.
Frair, K., "An Integrated First Year Curriculum at the University of Alabama Problems and Solutions," Proceedings, 1995 Frontiers in Education Conference, ASEE/IEEE, 1995.
Izatt, J., D. Cordes, A. Hopenwasser, C. Laurie, and J. Parker, "An Integrated Freshman Year Engineering Course," 1995 American Association of Physics Teachers Meeting, Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington, August 712, 1995.
Parker, J., D. Cordes, C. Laurie, A. Hopenwasser, J. Izatt, and D. Nikles, "Curriculum Integration in the Freshman Year at the University of Alabama: the Foundation Coalition Program," Proceedings, 1995 Frontiers in Education Conference, ASEE/IEEE, 1995.
Parker, J., D. Cordes, and J. Richardson, "Engineering Design in the Freshman Year at the University of Alabama," Proceedings, 1995 Frontiers in Education Conference, ASEE/IEEE, 1995.
Harrell, J.W., and Jerald R. Izatt, "Freshman Engineering Physics in the Foundation Coalition at The University of Alabama," Proceedings, International Conference on Undergraduate Physics Education, 1996.
Harrell, J., and J. Izatt, "Freshman Physics in the NSF Foundation Coalition," Newsletter of the Forum on Physics Education of the American Physical Society, Spring 1997.
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