Active/Collaborative Learning Student Teams Integrating Technology Effectively Women and Minorities Assessment and Evaluation EC2000 Emerging Technology Foundation Coalition Curricula Concept Inventories
Women and Minorities in Engineering

What is the FC Doing in this Area?
Since its formation in 1993, the Foundation Coalition has sought to increase the numbers of women and minorities enrolling and graduating from our institutions. We have focused on both classroom pedagogy and curriculum content to accomplish our goal. For example, it has been shown that pre-college women have a preference for cooperative learning strategies[3.4], and the role of pedagogy in retention, especially as it relates to women and minorities, has been documented.[5] Foundation Coalition curricula, now in place at each partner institution, include a major emphasis on cooperative or active learning and the establishment of formal learning communities. Special design projects[6] and spatial reasoning[7] activities have also been incorporated into the curriculum.

Can you show me some results?
Results such as retention, exemplified below, have been encouraging, and we are hopeful that the changes we have made will continue to increase both the number of women and minority students enrolling in our engineering programs and the number graduating with degrees in engineering.

FC Resources
Whether you're just getting started or looking for some additional ideas, the Foundation Coalition would like to help you increase the diversity of your engineering student body - through workshops, web sites, lesson plans, and reading materials. FC partner institutions have produced both written and electronic materials that address the issue of women and minorities in engineering education. Visit our web site at for online access to contact information and materials, or contact: or 979-845-7574.

Other organizations that can provide assistance include:
American Indian Science & Engineering Society
National Society of Black Engineers
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
Society of Women Engineers
Women in Engineering Program Advocates Network



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