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The As-Built S-Curves are revised and updated during the conduct of the construction phase of the project.  The level of detail and accuracy should reflect the results of the project planning results.
Optional Reading Assignment: Halpin 2, 6, 12, 14, Oberlender 9, CII Pub 5-6.
Part # 3 should take about 30-45 minutes depending upon the length of the discussion.
The first and second Learning Objectives make good Exam questions.
Failure to accomplish the last objective during an exam will usually result in a wrong answer because of orientation problems. In any event, I count off for failure to do so.
You should refer to the process diagram on the next page.
If you are the design engineer, remember you can use this technique to control the design phase of the project.
1. You should start immediately and keep a running total according to work packages, etc.
2. You should collect cost information by work package as in the step above.
3. It is very important that the rate of work (slope) of the middle of the curve be at least as steep as originally planned. It is OK to stumble out of the gate but you had better make sure that you get caught up early.
Remember that these three elements must be controlled as a whole. During planning there were some assumed relationships between them. In the construction phase cost and work are independent of each other to some extent.  You can incur cost with no progress. But to make progress you have to incur cost.
The CII publication is a public domain document and reflected the “state of the practice” when it was published.
Project Managers may any or all of these methods to measure work progress. You should illustrate with examples. This is covered in detail in the CII Publication.
Unplanned events like rain and equipment breakdown will greatly affect progress.  In these cases work may stop but some degree of costs may continue.
Ask the students to describe a learning curve.
This illustrates a typical “check point” at the end of the eight day (or week, or month).  The project is probably in trouble – 54% of the money is gone and 60% of the work remains.
This chart shows the relationship between the As-Planned and As-Built.  Using these data you can determine projects status as shown on the next slide.
This slide shows a plot of the combined data.  The “long” curves show the As-Planned schedule; the “short” lines the As-Built data.  Note that the “work” lines are plotted against the double scale on the right side of the plot; the “cost” lines against the sclae on the left.
Other Exercise data can be generated using the Excel Workbook.
You should collect these exercises, if done in class.  This will give you a heads-up on comprehension.

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