FSuppose that Team members A and C have decided to work together in their tasks. They have decided that their skills are complementary and by working together in both of the tasks assigned to them they can do a better job than if they work independently. A has very good writing speed, he can write 4 pages per hour but his rate of grammatical errors is very high (3 errors per page). On the other hand, C is slower (2.5 pages per hour) but his error rate is very low (1 error per page). They want to write a report that will earn them the highest grade.
F They have discovered that the grade given by the professor is very much influenced by the number of pages of the written assignments (the more pages the higher the grade assigned). However, they have also discovered that for every five errors in grammar, he deducts the equivalent of one written page, and also that the maximum number of mistakes the instructor will tolerate in an assignment is 80. Help this team of students to determine the best strategy (you need to define the meaning of this) given the total time constraint available to work in the project. The total time allocated to both of them is 8 hours. Also because of previous commitments C cannot work more than 6 hours in the project