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Data and Graphical Analysis

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Data and Graphical Analysis

When are Data and Graphical Analysis Covered?

Excel graphs and functions are introduced in ENGR111 during Class 4.1* and Class 4.2*.

They are studied further in Class 7.1 and 7.2*.

Data analysis in Excel is revisited in ENGR112 during Class 19.1* and Class 19.2*.

*Explaination of Class numbering System


Class 4.1: Introduction to Excel
Learn how to enter data into Excel
Learn how to copy, fill, and plot data
Learn to enter and use formulas
Understand the difference between absolute and relative addresses
Class 4.2: Excel Graphs and Functions
Learn to use tables and graphs as problem solving tools
Learn and apply different types of graphs and scales
Prepare graphs in Excel
Be able to edit graphs
Class 7.1: Linear Regression
Understand Linear Regression and how to compute it
Use Excel to compute linear regression
Class 7.2: Excel Graphs and Functions and Graphical Analysis
Learn to use tables and graphs as problem solving tools
Learn and apply different types of graphs and scales
Prepare graphs in Excel
Be able to edit graphs
Be able to plot data on log scale
Be able to determine the best-fit equations for linear, exponential and power funtions
Class 19.1: Data Analysis in Excel
Learn to use statistical Excel functions such as average, median, min, max, stdev, stdevp,var, varp, standardize, normdist, normsdist, norminv, and normsinv
Class 19.2: Breakeven Analysis, Tolerances, and Expected Value
Be able to draw a break-even graph ignoring the time value of money
Calculate the effective cost of manufacturing a part

Class Agenda

Class 4.1: Introduction to Excel
Lecture on estimation
Individual and team exercise
HW problems assigned
Class 4.2: Excel Graphs and Functions
Lecture on tables, graphs, and solver function in Excel
In class practice example using tables
In class team exercise using graphs and solver
HW assignment given at the end of class
Class 7.1: Linear Regression
Lecture Material on linear regression and coefficient correlation
Team exercise - 5 min
Leacture on creating a trendline in Excel
HW assignment
Class 7.2: Excel Graphs and Functions and Graphical Analysis
Lecture Material on log scale, best-fit lines and interpolation
8 min pair exercise
3 min team exercise
10 min pair exercise
5 min individual exercise
HW assignment given at the end of class
Class 19.1: Data Analysis in Excel
Lecture material on statistical functions
8 min team exercise
2 PATs
Think-Pair-Share exercise
HW assignment
Class 19.2: Breakeven Analysis, Tolerances, and Expected Value
Lecture material on Breakeven Analysis
In class team exercise
Team HW assignment

Why are Data and Graphical Analysis Important?

Graphical Analysis of collected data is made possible trhough rough hand sketching or the use of compter tools such as Maple, Excel, MathCAD, or other graphical software.

Various characteristics of Data can be identified using a graphical technique that would otherwise be lost in long lists of numbers and experimentation results. Graphical analysis also allows for formulas to be computed using linear/non-linear regressions and other build-in computer analysis tools.

Links to Class Materials

  • Class 4.1 Powerpoint
  • Class 4.2 Powerpoint
  • Class 7.2 Powerpoint
  • Class 19.1 Powerpoint
  • Class 19.2 Powerpoint

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