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When is Thermodynamics Covered?

Thermodynamics is introduced in ENGR111 during Class 11.2*

Thermodynamics is revisited in the following class period in ENGR111 during Class 12.1*.

*Explaination of Class numbering System


Class 11.2: Introduction to Thermodynamics
Define thermodynamics
Define temperature, pressure,density, equilibrium, amount of substance
Define states of matter and define them in the context of a phase diagram
Define gas laws
Class 12.1: First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics
Define temperature, pressure,density, equilibrium, amount of substance
Define states of matter and define them in the context of a phase diagram
Define gas laws
Understand and apply work, energy, reversibility, heat capacity
Understand and apply First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics

Class Agenda

Class 11.2: Introduction to Thermodynamics
RAT - quiz
Lecture material on thermodynamic properties
Team exercise - 6 min
Lecture material on pressure, temperature, and state of matter
Lecture material on Gas Law, Boyle's Law, other Laws and values for constant R
Individual exercise
Team exercise - 5 min
Lecture Material on energy, heat and work
Team exercise
HW assignment
Class 12.1: First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics
RAT - quiz
Lecture material on reversiblity and irreversiblity
Lecture material on basic laws of thermodynamics, heat/work conversions
Pairs exercise - 5 min
Lecture material on heat capacity
Individual exercise - 5 min
HW assignment

Why is Thermodynamics Important?

Thermodynamics is the science of what is possible and impossible.

  • Class 11.2 Powerpoint
  • Class 12.1 Powerpoint

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