Active/Collaborative Learning Student Teams Integrating Technology Effectively Women and Minorities Assessment and Evaluation EC2000 Emerging Technology Foundation Coalition Curricula Concept Inventories
Facilitating Dysfunctional Teams

Facilitating Dysfunctional Teams
How might an instructor reduce the likelihood of dysfunctional teams? How might team members reduce the likelihood of dysfunctional teams? What is a dysfunctional team?
How might an instructor recognize a dysfunctional team? What examples of dysfunctional behavior can lead to the destruction of a team? How might an instructor facilitate a dysfunctional team?

Example 2: Russ Pimmel, University of Alabama

teaches the senior/junior course in computer engineering with extended projects.

“By reviewing the weekly progress reports (short multiple-choice surveys of progress, effort, and cooperation); I can identify teams with problems. If I have determined that a team has a problem, then I ask them to see me either before or after class for a very brief meeting in which I determine if they have resolved their problem and have made some adjustments (usually the case) or need further attention. If the problem results from a noncontributor, then I reassure them that slacker will get no credit unless he or she gets involved. I then try meet privately with the individual to point out the penalties for not contributing and to encourage him or her to become a player. If the problem is deeper, I try to draw them out and get them to clarify the difficulty and to identify approaches for dealing with it. I usually check with them a few days later and pay special attention to their next progress report.”



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