Active/Collaborative Learning Student Teams Integrating Technology Effectively Women and Minorities Assessment and Evaluation EC2000 Emerging Technology Foundation Coalition Curricula Concept Inventories
Facilitating Dysfunctional Teams

Facilitating Dysfunctional Teams
How might an instructor reduce the likelihood of dysfunctional teams? How might team members reduce the likelihood of dysfunctional teams? What is a dysfunctional team?
How might an instructor recognize a dysfunctional team? What examples of dysfunctional behavior can lead to the destruction of a team? How might an instructor facilitate a dysfunctional team?

Example 3: Jim Morgan, Texas A&M University
often teaches first-year engineering courses in section sizes of one hundred. He uses the following steps for facilitating a dysfunctional team:

  • Set up a team meeting. Do not discuss the problem with individual members of the team.
  • Ask the team to bring their (individual and team) goals and code of cooperation to the meeting.
  • Review the two documents with the team and ask questions until the students start to engage each other in a discussion.
  • Sit back to watch the team resolve the conflict(s).

A common scenario:

First student:Everyone knows we are all here to get an A!
Second student:All I want to do is to survive and have a good time.
Faculty member:How hard would you be working if it were not for the team?”
Both students: “Oh . . . .



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