Share the Future IV
Call for Workshops
Four engineering education coalitions

will be hosting Share the Future IV, a conference designed to provide engineering educators access to innovative concepts and initiatives in engineering education. The conference will be held in Tempe, Arizona, near the campus of Arizona State University, on 1618 March 2003.

Deadline: 1 November 2002
Notification: 1 December 2002

More information about Share the Future IV can be found at

Workshop Format
The focus of the conference will be about twenty-five interactive, two-hour workshops that allow participants to explore an innovative concept, topic, idea, project, etc., in engineering education. The program committee is soliciting proposals for offering one or more of these workshops at the conference. Each workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to explore in depth a particular topic, innovation, project, etc., in engineering education. Each workshop should have clear learning objectives for the participants and substantial activities for the participants. One of the questions raised about workshops as a means for professional development is "What is the effect of a workshop over the longer term?" The conference will provide a follow-up instrument to be sent to participants about six months after the conference. Workshop presenters will be expected to contribute questions or other items to the follow-up instrument. The follow-up instrument will be used in addition to end-of-workshop surveys. To give you some idea of previous workshops, here are sample titles of workshops offered at the Share the Future III Conference, which was held in March 2002 at the University of Florida in Gainesville.

  • Course Evaluation for Measuring Learning Objectives
  • Reality-based E-learning Activities
  • Curriculum Integration: How and Why
  • Comprehensive Assessment of Design Projects
  • Instructional Technologies in the Classroom
  • Course Objectives and Classroom Assessment
  • Effective Teaching with Technology
  • Building a Freshman Engineering Program
  • Designing Innovative Classrooms
  • Developing a Fluid Mechanics Classroom
  • Facilitating Change in First-year Engineering Instruction
  • Active Classroom Learning with Media
  • Concept Inventories for Engineering Sciences
  • A Unified Approach to Engineering Science
  • Writing Stronger Engineering Education Proposals

Workshop Proposal Submission
Workshop proposals should be submitted to (phone 979.845.7574) by 1 Nov 2002.
Each proposal should include

  • Workshop title
  • Names of workshop presenters
  • Abstract (approximately 300 words)
  • Statement of learning objectives
  • Proposal to contribute to the follow-up instrument for assessing longer term impact of the conference

Questions about travel support can also be addressed to .

Proposals will be reviewed by the program committee and presenters will be notified of the decision on their proposals by 1 Dec 2002.


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