Share the Future IV
Difficult Concepts in Science and Engineering:  Identifying, Assessing, and Helping Students Learn Them Workshop

Sample Concept Inventory Questions

1. You have two balls of equal size and smoothness, and you can ignore air resistance. One is heavy, the other much lighter. You hold one in each hand at the same height above the ground. You release them at the same time. What will happen?

a. The heavier one will hit the ground first.
b. They will hit the ground at the same time.
c. The lighter one will hit the ground first.

(from Introductory Astronomy Diagnostic Survey by Michael Zeilik)

2. Which of the following must be the same before and after a chemical reaction?

a. The sum of the masses of all substances involved.
b. The number of molecules of all substances involved.
c. The number of atoms of each type involved.
d. Both (a) and (c) must be the same.
e. Each of the answers (a), (b), and (c) must be the same.

(from Chemical Concepts Inventory by Doug Mulford)

3. An open pot of water is heated on an electric stove until the water begins to boil. Heating is continued while the water boils. After the water starts to boil, its temperature:

a. increases
b. remains the same
c. decreases
d. insufficient information

(from Thermodynamics Concept Inventory by Clark Midkiff)

4. Imagine that the earth's orbit were changed to be a perfect circle about the sun so that the distance to the sun never changed. How would this affect the seasons?

a. We would no longer experience a difference between the seasons.
b. We would still experience seasons but the difference would be much
LESS noticeable.
c. We would still experience seasons but the difference would be much
MORE noticeable.
d. We would continue to experience seasons in the same way we do now.

(from Introductory Astronomy Diagnostic Survey by Michael Zeilik)



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