Share the Future IV
Planning Engineering Education Research Workshop

Evaluation Form

Instructions: Please respond to the following statements honestly about the workshop you have recently completed. Place a mark in the column that most closely aligns with your response to the statement. The open-ended responses of this survey are important also. Please answer those questions as well.

Not at all  Somewhat  A lot
1. The workshop covered the content I assumed would be covered ? ? ? ? ?
2. The workshop helped me understand important concepts ? ? ? ? ?
3. The workshop was useful ? ? ? ? ?
4. I can apply what I learned at my home campus ? ? ? ? ?
5. The presenter was complete in his/her explanations ? ? ? ? ?
6. The presenter gave enough examples ? ? ? ? ?
7. The examples used help me understand ? ? ? ? ?
8. The workshop activities were appropriate ? ? ? ? ?
9. The activities helped me understand the material better ? ? ? ? ?
10. I would endorse this workshop for others in my institution ? ? ? ? ?
Please answer the following questions. Use the back of the sheet if necessary
11. If you could change one thing about the workshop, what would it be and why?
12. What did you like best about the workshop?
13. Of all the things you learned today, what one thing are you most likely to implement?
14. What other comments do you have about the workshop?



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