Share the Future IV
Survive This!  Reality-based Learning

Performance-based Objectives for SURVIVE THIS!

On completion of this module, the student will conduct independent case studies to demonstrate the effect of varying interest rates on decision making, the effect of income taxes and other taxes on decision making, the effect of projects with varying life spans on decision making, and the effect of uncertainties on decision making.

On completion of the course module, the student will compute the book-value of a capital investment procured for a manufacturing operation obtained by the three depreciation accounting methods.

On completion of the course module, the student will compare the tax consequences of two different accounting methods both for non-profit and profit-based manufacturing operations.

Upon completion of this module, the candidates will define tasks, workstations, and work environments based upon 3 identified ergonomic principles.

Upon completion of this module, the candidates will define work measurement characteristics and calculate Direct Time Study (DTS) including performance ratings and allowance calculations for 2 different work stations.

Upon completion of this module, the candidates will specify the primary forces acting at the interface of a cutting tool and work piece given 3 separate cutting tool/work piece scenarios.

Upon completion of this module, the candidates will determine the effects of heat and temperature on tool cost and performance for 5 different tools.

Upon completion of this module, the candidate will conduct a test necessary to obtain relevant material properties for metal forming processes used to create an automotive drive shaft.

Upon completion of this content module, the candidate will describe the impacts of technology on engineering and manufacturing roles, organization features, and individual's work roles in a simulated parts manufacturing firm.

Upon completion of this course segment, students will design the process and determine parameters for turning, milling, drilling, and broaching operations given 2 different parts’ descriptions.

Greenfield Coalition Presentation
Reality-based Learning Activities


I. Preworkshop [GA]
a. Assign contestants upon arrival into tribes
b. Place initial Survival Pack (manila envelop) in each tribe

II. Open the Survivors Show [GA/SO/EPK]

Welcome the contestants chosen to survive the challenges of creating a Reality-based Learning Activity….

III. Background information on the Greenfield Coalition and ways we ensure Reality-based Learning Activities [PC]

- Problem solvers
- Challenge to develop the “Renaissance Engineer”

IV. Performance Measurable Objective
a. Demo on creating Performance Measurable Objective [PC]
b. Display/Discuss tribes’ objectives [PF]

V. Tribe Challenge #1—Authentic Assessment
a. Now that we have these objectives—how do we assess? [PF]
b. Assessment description [PC]
c. Tribal Counsel = brainstorm assessment methods for your objective [PLG/EP]

VI. Tribal Counsel—Reality-based Learning Possibilities
a. Greenfield Coalition Reality-based Learning Activity examples [PLG]
b. Reality-based Learning Activity Construction [PLG]
c. Brainstorm at least 3 possible reality-based learning activities and use the “Reality-based Learning Activity” page to record those ideas [EP]
d. Potential technology tools to use to create/support the Reality-based Learning activity [PLG]
e. VOTE: Each tribe member to take a ballot. Now vote for the Reality-based Learning activity on your page that will “survive” and be developed for the 2d Tribe Challenge. [EP]

VII. Tribe Challenge #2—Designing the Reality-based Learning Activity [EP/PF]

VIII. End of the Engineering Curriculum Survivor Adventure
a. Q & A [PF]
b. Summary [S]
c. Applications for YOUR Learning Environments [R&T]

Gagne's Nine External Events of Instruction

1. Gain attention [GA]

2. State objectives [SO]

3. Elicit prior knowledge [EPK]

4. Present content [PC]

5. Provide learning guidance [PLG]

6. Elicit performance [EP]

7. Provide feedback [PF]

8. Summarize [S]

9. Retention and transfer [R&T]



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