Share the Future IV

Time for a Renaissance in Engineering Education
Dan Moore and Dave Voltmer
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Technology revolution, computer revolution, communication revolution are but three of the recent buzz phrases used to justify significant changes in engineering education. Is it the "best" pedagogy to try and incorporate all these changes into the curriculum? Is it better to expose graduates to many technically specific topics at the expense of broader, wider ranging topics? Are aspects of the "serving society" of the engineering profession being lost? Is it time for a radical shift in engineering education? The presenters believe answering these questions illustrates that now is the time for a renaissancein engineering education. They propose a curriculum with a greater emphasis on the serving (service) aspect, more multidisciplinary topics, less emphasis on very specific technical classes, and an increase in the softer skills.

The facilitators will present a brief overview of their proposed renaissance curriculum, along with the underlying goals and objectives. They will then reverse the roles and change the workshop to an open forum and brainstorming session to answer the question: "Is a radical change in the engineering curricula required?", and, if so, "What criteria should be established in the development for a renaissance in engineering education?"

Learning Objectives
The presenters will prepare a report on the results of the brainstorming session and provide a follow-up of the attendees as they return to their institutions and proceed with curriculum revisions.


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