Active/Collaborative Learning Student Teams Integrating Technology Effectively Women and Minorities Assessment and Evaluation EC2000 Emerging Technology Foundation Coalition Curricula Concept Inventories
Facilitating Dysfunctional Teams

Facilitating Dysfunctional Teams
How might an instructor reduce the likelihood of dysfunctional teams? How might team members reduce the likelihood of dysfunctional teams? What is a dysfunctional team?
How might an instructor recognize a dysfunctional team? What examples of dysfunctional behavior can lead to the destruction of a team? How might an instructor facilitate a dysfunctional team?

How might an instructor spot a dysfunctional team?

  • A student reports problems in the team or with team members
  • A student has a friend on a team that is having problems
  • Not turning in assignments
  • Not meeting together
  • Not discussing ideas in class
  • Not showing up for class
  • Breaking off into subgroups or cliques
  • Negative feedback from one or more members of the team
  • A subset of the team, perhaps only one member, seems to be doing the work

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