Introduction Freshman curriculum for engineering students
Holistic Model for Engineering
Clusters Courses are now offered together in "clusters" for groups of 100
Student Performance Students in the new curriculum perform better on standardized tests.
First-year Engineering Courses
First Year
Student Quotes
"We were so comfortable through technology that it helped with all my team projects; even after I left the first-year classroom"
—EE student
"N enjoyed the integration of subjects because I enjoy seeing the big picture. I really need to see the big picture to understand things"
—ME student
"I liked learning about and working on technical problems that are occurring right now in industry and that are exciting to students."
—First-year Engineering student
The First year engineering program at Texas A&M consists of clusters of 100 students who take courses (including chemistry, engineering, math and physics) together, and study together. Students select a cluster on their math placement nad other background. All courses (linked or not) use a common synchronized syllabus(modified on an annual basis by faculty from each of the courses teaching first-year engineering students). Synchronization allows engineering faculty to build on topics covered in other courses when they are being covered. Coperative faculty in math and science often enhance this integration of material.
This new curriculum was based on a four-year pilot program. The pilot program was more tightly integrated and included English as well as the courses in the currrent program. Synchronization and clustering was chosen(over integration) in order to offer all students a program that included most of the benefits of the pilot program. In addition, an annual review is made of the courses to improve the coordination and integration of the material.